Accepted papers
Call for papers
Travel & lodging
Wellness and Nutrition
- promoting healthy lifestyles
- sport medicine and technology
- tackling metabolic diseases
Brain and Cognition
- assessing cognitive performances
- understanding motor control
- neurodegenerative diseases
Responsible future
- caring for the Planet
- pollution and diseases
- sustainable technologies
Caring anywhere, anytime
- anyone's health matters us all
- no-barriers health care
- education and inclusion
September 3, 2015
Welcome message from Chairman of International Committee
Dear friends,
on behalf of our chief Guest Prof. V.S.S. Kumar, Hon.ble Vice-Chancellor, JNTU Kakinada and on my own side,
with the support of HES-SO HEIG-VD Switzerland, I am delighted to welcome you all to the Healthy World Conference 2015.
We really do hope and we are confident that this event will provide an excellent platform to showcase the great
variety of experiences, technologies and innovative solutions linked to health in a global manner.
Besides supporting the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" initiative (Clean India Mission), we are here to improve industrial potentialities
of this region, to improve and to further develop new technologies and to strengthen the links and collaboration in the educational
and scientific fields between India and Switzerland.
These knowledge opportunities are intended both for those starting off and for those who already are experts in this field.
Our main topics will range from wellness and nutrition for a Healthy Body, brain and cognition for a Healthy Mind, a responsible
future for a Healthy Environment, caring anywhere, anytime for a Healthy Population.
This event shall be understood as a problem-solving platform for dynamic speakers with information sessions and networking so as
to end up in a great contribution for the ever-changing landscape of health in its widest meaning.
I hope that all participants will enjoy a wonderful time and make fruitful contacts.
No problems, just challenges: these are the keywords we shall be keeping in mind during these 3 days' session!
A lot of thanks to the organizers and again a warm welcome to all of you!
Prof. Enrico M. Staderini
Chairperson International Committee HWC2015
HEIG-VD Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Yverdon-les-Bains (VD) - Switzerland
September 3, 2015
Press presentation to take place this morning
A presentation of the upcoming Healthy World Conference will take place this morning 10:00 Indian time at JNTUK Kakinada.
September 2, 2015
Downloadable accepted papers are online
All the accepted papers are now online for the interested scientists to download.
Please follow this link.
August 10, 2015
Swissnex India announcing HWC2015
The Swissnex India announces HWC2015 on its website.

August 3, 2015
HES-SO announcing HWC2015
The Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences announces HWC2015 on its website.

July 7, 2015
HWC2015 Website Updated
The HWC2015 website has received extended update and a new background structure.
  HWC2015 Call
  Registration form
  Adv/Sponsor form
  Final programme