Authors presenting a paper to the conferences MUST be registered to the same conference.

Please use alphanumeric characters only, no special characters!

Individual : INR 1,500
Student(1) : INR 750
Institution/Stall(2) : INR 10,000
HWA member : INR 1,000
  1. Letter from your School/University stating your qualification needed (send it ASAP to
  2. Fee per person for a minimum of two people registered from the same Institution at the same time (please qualify yourself to
(* = requested field)

Now type the characters you see in the picture below exactly as they appear (Case Sensitive). Please do not ignore the spaces if any.


Your online registration will be replied with the invoice along with modalities and coordinates for payment. Please follow the payment procedure. On reception of payment a receipt will be sent to you (you may keep and show it on site at the Conference Registration Desk).