- Global standards and interoperability in eHealth
- Global eHealth and web-based applications
- GRID and cloud computing for global eHealth
- Ethical and legal aspects of medical data processing
- Multimedia intensive eHealth applications
- European and International eHealth roadmaps
- EU program "Horizon 2020"
- Health smartphone apps:
- issues on safety, privacy and security
- Internet in healthcare and medical web portals
- Electronic medical record / personal health record
- Clinical and epidemiological data bases
- Hospital ICT Systems and hospital virtualization
- Health information systems and patient smart cards
- Teleconsulting and telediagnosis
- Semantic web and ontology in biomedicine
- Distance learning in healthcare
- ICT for cognitive performances evaluation
- Teleradiology, telecardiology, telepathology
- Telegerontechnology for neurodegenerative diseases
- Telemonitoring, telehomecare and AAL
- Assistive Technology, eHealth and inclusion
- Biomedical devices, sensors and bio-signal processing
- Personalized medicine and quality of medical care
- Medical and Health Technology Assessment
- Political and ethical philosophy of eHealth
- Fundamentals of clinical methodology in eHealth
- Decision support and expert systems in medicine
- Statistical software and neural networks
- Bioinformatics and genomic data banks
- Neural Informatics, A.I. and cognitive brain processes
- Knowledge management, knowledge-based systems
- Informatics and telemedicine in paediatrics
- Telemedicine in emergency
- Telemedicine in health tourism
- Forum of students and young researchers IMIT